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IYF Blog - Posts in social-emotional learning

  • Embracing Complexity: Engaging the Mind, Body, and Emotions

    Embracing Complexity: Engaging the Mind, Body, and Emotions hero Experts generally agree on the importance of holistic, integrated approaches to meeting the needs of the 4.6 million youth in the United States who are not in school, training, or work. Yet practitioners often lack sufficient tools—and a roadmap—for embracing complexity and addressing youth needs for everything from job skills training and emotional support to self-worth and hope for the future.  Read more
  • What’s Love Got to Do with Youth Development?

    What’s Love Got to Do with Youth Development? Hero Image The ideas can sound unrelated or antithetical, but could a greater emphasis on love be what’s missing from youth development and employability efforts?. Read more
  • In Brazil, A Whole-Person Approach to Job Readiness and Healing

    In Brazil, A Whole-Person Approach to Job Readiness and Healing hero On an overcast morning, roughly two-dozen young and older adults file into a large whitewashed room at the municipal homeless shelter in the Barra Funda neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil. Here, they are greeted by the sound of Vivaldi’s Spring concerto emanating from two large speakers. As each takes a seat in white plastic chairs arranged in a circle, two young facilitators prepare to model the day’s first activity.   Read more
  • Can Youth Voices Improve Foster Care Outcomes? Lessons from the UK

    Can Youth Voices Improve Foster Care Outcomes? Lessons from the UK cover In the United States, 26,000 youth age out of foster care annually. More than a third never completed high school, with most ill-prepared for the job market. As a result, many wind up on the streets or in jail. A similar scenario prevails in the United Kingdom where over 40 percent of former foster youth are not in education, training, or employment. Read more
  • A Nonprofit Leader from New Orleans Reflects on the Benefits of Cross-border Learning

    A Nonprofit Leader from New Orleans Reflects on the Benefits of Cross-border Learning hero From July 9 to 12, representatives of the New Orleans-based Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) traveled to Belo Horizonte, Brazil to take part in a learning exchange with staff and beneficiaries of Rede Cidadã (The Citizen’s Network), a nongovernmental organization that has trained and placed more than 60,000 youth in jobs or apprenticeships over 15 years.  Read more