Where We Work: Panama
For more than a decade, our initiatives New Employment Opportunities (NEO), entra21, EquipYouth, and Conectadas 4.0 have prepared youth in Panama with the skills to secure jobs in growth sectors.
To achieve sustainability and ensure lasting change, NEO, and before it, entra21, placed special emphasis on building the capacity of local partners. We helped organizations like Consejo del Sector Privado para la Asistencia Educacional, which provides employability training to youth at risk, adjust their business model to sustain and grow their operations. EquipYouth aims to increase youth employability prospects and entrepreneurship by preparing participants with market-relevant life and technical skills, internships, on-the-job learning, and a host of job placement services. Conectadas 4.0 focuses on equipping participants—young women age 18-30—with technical and life skills training to help them secure jobs in the information technology (IT) sector.