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This fact sheet highlights IYF’s Conectadas LAC program, which aims to equip young women aged 16-29 with in-demand technical skills. The initiative focuses on preparing these youths for promising careers
Esta hoja informativa ofrece una breve descripción del programa de Networking Scale-Ciberseguridad que se implementa en 10 localidades de México. El programa busca mejorar la empleabilidad y facilitar la transición
This fact sheet provides a brief description of the Scale-Cybersecurity Networking program implemented in 10 locations in Mexico. The Cybersecurity Program seeks to improve employability and ease the transition from
This fact sheet provides a brief description of the En Trayecto program in Mexico City. The program improves the employability of disadvantaged youth ages 18 to 29 living in the
This fact sheet provides a brief description, goals and figures of the En Trayecto program in Mexico City. The program improves the employability of disadvantaged youth ages 18 to 29
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