The IYF library is your go-to place for youth development resources. Find out more about our initiatives, approaches, and best practices by perusing 30 years' worth of learning and experience.
At the start of 2020, IYF took a critical look at the landscape for the world's young people and how our partnerships could best support them in fulfilling their potential
The Global Youth Wellbeing Index gathers and connects youth-related data to assess and compare the state of young people’s wellbeing around the world. The 2017 Index is the second edition
This fact sheet provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities of the logistics sector in El Salvador and how Jovenes Con Entrega is opening pathways by providing technical training
This fact sheet provides an overview of the information and communications technology (ICT) sector in Colombia and how Conectad@s is reponding to the challenges in that sector: The gap between
This fact sheet provides an overview of the growing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector in El Salvador and how Conectadas LAC is Closing Gaps and Creating Opportunities.
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