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This year-in-review publication includes a description of Innove4Africa and the profiles of national fellows from Africa in 2014. Innove4Africa is a Regional YouthActionNet® Institute for Francophone Africa under the YouthActionNet®
This report presents findings from the YouthMap program in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It describes circumstances and opportunities for youth in the country and assesses their hopes, needs
This brochure describes the International Youth Foundation (IYF)’s presence in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). It focuses on IYF’s Passport to Success® curriculum and describes how its
This report presents findings from the Global Partnership for Youth Employment (GPYE) on youth employment in the region of Saint-Louis, Senegal. It discusses innovative actions that can improve the employment
This event report presents the proceedings of the Global Partnership for Youth Employment (GPYE) "Ideas4Work: Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship in Africa" conference held in Dakar, Senegal, from January 23 to
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