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This fact sheet provides a brief description of Egypt@Work. This four-year initiative provided more than 12,000 disadvantaged youth with the skills, knowledge and opportunities needed to find and maintain employment
This year-in-review publication includes a description of the Entrepreneurs en Mouvement initiative and profiles of national fellows from Morocco in 2015. Entrepreneurs en Mouvement is a national YouthActionNet® Institute under
This year-in-review publication includes a description of BADIR and profiles of national fellows from Jordan in 2015. BADIR is a National YouthActionNet® Institute under the YouthActionNet initiative.
This publication was prepared by IYF and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). It includes youth's top 10 priorities, each of which is further examined and broken down
This is the third publication in the GPYE Best Practice Note series, which presents findings from the Global Partnership for Youth Employment and other IYF program experience. This note describes
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