The IYF library is your go-to place for youth development resources. Find out more about our initiatives, approaches, and best practices by perusing 30 years' worth of learning and experience.
This fact sheet provides a brief description the Build Your Business (BYB) training course. BYB is designed to empower aspiring young entrepreneurs by introducing them to the basic principles needed to
This case study presents findings from the Youth Entrepreneurship Development (YED) program, an initiative of the International Youth Foundation (IYF) supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID). YED
This report presents findings from a five-country survey of youth-serving institutions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) that aimed to better understand these institutions' capacity to successfully implement
This fact sheet provides a brief description of the IDMAJ program in Algeria. The three-year program aims to expand opportunities among Algerian youth in the areas of employability, entrepreneurship
This report summarizes the findings and results from a 2014 pilot program to improve informal apprenticeship practices in Jordan. The pilot was conducted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in
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