Oscar Ortiz

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Oscar Ortiz

Program Director, MEXICO Mexico
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Oscar joined IYF as Program Director in 2022. He has contributed to the design and deployment of a variety of national and local projects in Mexico focusing on youth employment and training, employment for vulnerable groups, child labor, the informal economy, and migration. Oscar led the Labor Research and Statistics Office in the Ministry of Labor; the Migration Policy Unit within the Ministry of the Interior; and most recently the Mexico City Public Employment Service. In the latter position, he promoted the "Youth Building the Future” program (Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro), which provided Mexican youth with their first on-the-job training experience. Oscar has also participated in the implementation of projects with international organizations such as the ILO’s Recommendation No. 204 on the transition from the informal to the formal economy and in the first application of the OECD's PIAAC in Mexico.
Oscar holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Administration from the Mexico Polytechnic National Institute, and certificate in Senior Management of Public Institutions, certificate in Survey Design and Analysis, and a Specialization in International Migration.