I:SERVE (2011–Present)
Implemented by IYF since 2011, the I:SERVE curriculum gives youth the opportunity to play an active role in improving their communities through the planning and implementation of service projects. Youth choose which projects they want to work on based on needs they have identified in collaboration with their local communities. They not only have the opportunity to acquire and practice leadership, service learning, and personal development skills, but they also gain practical employability skills that will help them to find and keep a job and/or create their own social enterprise or small business. Projects have included beach safety education, a mobile library, and neighborhood cleanup and beautification. With this emphasis on civic engagement and employability, I:SERVE was initially designed for disadvantaged and unemployed youth in Jordan through Youth for the Future. IYF works with country partners to adapt the program local cultural and demographic contexts, and the curriculum has been implemented with other initiatives in Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and the United States. It is currently available in both English and Arabic.