Nokia-IYF Global Youth Development Initiative (2000–2011)

For more than a decade, we teamed with Nokia to connect youth in 68 countries to their community and country, a better education, and improved job prospects. With the company’s investment of nearly $50 million, we reached more than 650,000 young people directly and another 5.4 million children, youth, and adults indirectly. From 2000 to 2011, we tailored initiatives to meet local needs and saw important positive changes in school performance, literacy rates, job placement and retention, and active citizenship. As a result, young people in Eastern Europe have fueled a wave of volunteerism; formerly unemployed youth in Latin America now have the skills they need to get and keep jobs; students in the Philippines and Tanzania have improved access to science and math education through the introduction of mobile technology in the classroom; and young social entrepreneurs across the globe are exercising enhanced leadership skills.


Past Countries

Funding Partners

  • Nokia

Funding Partners