Umran Beba, Vice Chair; Governance Comm. Chair
Board of DirectorsUmran Beba, Vice Chair; Governance Comm. Chair
Partner, August Leadership
She has been named as one of “the greatest living business minds of Turkey” by Forbes magazine, featured in Fortune magazine three years in a row for “the most powerful women in business” in the global list and received numerous awards and rankings for being an inspirational leader, mentor and diversity advocate. She has been featured in four books about leadership, diversity, talent and women advocacy.
Umran Beba is an experienced senior business executive with general management, talent and diversity background. Close to 35 years of experience in Consumer Goods Industry where 25 years was with PepsiCo in four different locations namely Istanbul, Hong Kong, Dubai and New York. She was the Asia Pacific President of PepsiCo following president and general management roles in South East Europe, East Mediterranean /Middle East and Turkey. She has been in Chief HR Officer and Chief Diversity Officer roles in her career and managed several transformation projects as well as executive recruitment, talent pipeline building, culture shaping, mentoring, coaching, diversity and inclusion agenda setting and execution and human capital management initiatives.
She has been an independent non-executive board director for five years in Japan Calbee Snacks public company in Tokyo and currently in the board of International Youth Foundation as a vice-chair of the board and Neighbors Link as a board member. She is a trustee of Purchase College Foundation board and has a board of overseers’ role in Columbia University School of Professional Studies. She has been in the Future Council community of World Economic Forum for the last eight years.
She is a native of Turkey and earned her MBA and Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from Bogaziçi University in Istanbul. She lives in Greenwich, Connecticut with her family.