Free Online Learning Resources for Young People, Educators & Employers During COVID-19

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Free Online Learning Resources for Young People, Educators & Employers During COVID-19 Hero Image

While the world is staying home, we're all having to change how we work and learn. It's obviously not easy, but there's at least one bright side. The COVID-19 pandemic has been showing us how we can come together, even while physically apart. In that spirit, we've compiled the following resources that are either free or offered by a small business or youth-led venture, whom your contribution would benefit.

Young People

Life Skills

  • Passport to Success Traveler, from IYF with partner The PepsiCo Foundation, offers game-based learning to help you level up in skills like problem-solving and managing conflict. From their tablet or smartphone, users build the skills all employers seek while taking a virtual trip around the world.

Entrepreneurship & Social Change

Media literacy

  • Media Literacy Mission, from IREX, is a game that helps you learn how to separate fact from fiction, which can help in identifying reliable health-related news and information.



All Audiences

Science and Mental Health

Working, Parenting & Balancing Life in Lockdown

We will update this list on an ongoing basis. Please contact [email protected] if you have resources we should consider including.

covid-19 online learning resources for teachers