Where We Work: Morocco
With years of experience on the ground in Morocco, we’ve become experts at collaborating with local NGOS, companies, and government ministries to see positive and lasting change for young people here.
Working across Morocco, our diverse programs have prepared young people with the confidence, sense of teamwork, and other life skills that will make them successful in life. Emploi Habilité equipped young men and women with the technical and industry-specific training to find jobs in fields such as tourism and logistics, while Favorable Opportunities to Reinforce Self-Advancement for Today’s Youth (FORSATY) and ITQANE worked to improve professional and educational outcomes for marginalized youth in Tetouan, Tangier, Fès-Boulemane, and Doukkala-Abda. In southern Morocco, we increased the capacity of agricultural cooperatives through the Foum el Oued initiative. Throughout the country, we have utilized our Passport to Success® life skills and I:SERVE curriculums, giving youth life skills, leadership, service learning, and personal development skills.